Top Lawyers for H&C Application

If you are looking to apply for Canadian PR on Humanitarian and Compassionate (H&C) Grounds, we can help.

Our expert lawyers can present your application in the best possible way to immigration authorities.

Reach out to us on Whatsapp below

Why Choose Us for Your H&C Application

We have the right experience to assess your chances of success and present your case in the best possible light.

Unrivaled Expertise

Our team of professional immigration lawyers has successfully filed multiple H&C applications

Support at Every Step

H&C is a complicated process and can be daunting for the applicant. We hand-hold you during the entire process

True Assessment

We value your and our time. During the first consultation itself we will inform you of your chances of success and only take your case if you are a good candidate for H&C

Our Pricing

We charge between $2950 to $3500 + HST to run the entire process for you.

Book a consultation with one of our expert H&C immigration consultants below. The cost of the consultation will be adjusted against the full fee if we decide to work together on your H&C case

Please fill out the form with your details.

We will get in touch within 2 business days

FAQs regarding H&C

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