Express Entry Draw 271- Get Details Here

Express Entry Draw 271

The most recent Canadian Express Entry draw 271, sent invitations to 3,600 candidates who met the criteria for category-based selection in healthcare occupations. The draw featured a minimum CRS score of 431.

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Highlights of Express Entry Draw 271

Date of Draw: October 26, 2023

Number of Invitations Issued: 3,600

Minimum CRS: 431

Program Specified: Healthcare occupations (2023-1)

The third category-specific draw for healthcare occupations occurred today, showcasing the Canadian government’s ability to target candidates with skills and occupations in high demand. This approach tends to result in a lower cut-off score compared to all-program draws, providing a broader range of profiles and experiences an opportunity for selection, taking into account factors beyond just CRS scores.

This draw marks the third in a series of category-specific draws for healthcare workers, with the previous one taking place on July 6th as Draw #255. Since the introduction of Healthcare Occupations (2023-1) on June 28, 2023, we’ve witnessed a consistent 300% increase in the number of invitations issued with each subsequent category draw. This growth is due to a 22.5-point reduction in the minimum required score since the category’s initial draw, resulting in more eligible profiles within the Express Entry candidate pool. The category has now reached its maximum of 3,600 invitations.

Express Entry draw 271 granted 3,600 Invitations to Apply (ITA) to candidates with a minimum Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score of 431. All candidates in this draw were selected from a specific set of healthcare occupations within the Express Entry pool.

Eligibility for the Express Entry Draw 271

To qualify for this category, you should:

1. Have a minimum of 6 months of full-time employment (or an equivalent duration of part-time employment) within the three years prior to the application.

2. This work experience should pertain to a single profession listed in the Eligible Healthcare Occupations table, as provided below.

3. The experience can be acquired either within Canada or internationally.

4. Satisfy all the prerequisites detailed in the instructions for the specific invitation round.

What Are the Eligible Healthcare Occupations for This Category?

Occupation2021 NOC Code2021 TEER Category
Audiologists and speech language pathologists311121
Dieticians and nutritionists311211
Education counsellors413201
General practitioners and family physicians311021
Instructors of persons with disabilities422032
Kinesiologists and other professional occupation in therapy and assessment312041
Licensed practical nurses321012
Massage therapists322012
Medical laboratory assistants and related technical occupations331013
Medical laboratory technologists321202
Medical radiation technologists321212
Medical sonographers321222
Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates331023
Nurse practitioners313021
Nursing co-ordinators and supervisors313001
Occupational therapists312031
Other assisting occupations in support of health services331093
Other practitioners of natural healing322092
Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating312091
Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment321092
Paramedical occupations321022
Pharmacy technical assistants and pharmacy assistants331033
Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals313031
Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses313011
Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists321032
Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine311001
Specialists in surgery311011
Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies413011
Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists322002

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