Drake holding his degree

“I did cash jobs because my 2 million loan kept me up at night”

The journey to Canada, undertaken by the individual we’ll refer to as Drake for privacy, epitomizes the fusion of aspirations and dedication that characterizes many immigrants. From a student embarking on his academic voyage to a distinguished Area Supervisor in a prominent organization, Drake’s expedition illustrates the triumphant narrative of hard work and resolve.

Migration encapsulates diverse stories, each a chapter of courage and hope. People leave their homes, driven by dreams that illuminate their path. For some, the allure lies in exploration and the merging of cultures; for others, it’s the pursuit of autonomy and personal growth. Yet, perhaps the most profound motivation is the desire to provide a better life for their families, transforming their journey into a beacon of inspiration.

“I did cash jobs because my 2 million loan kept me up at night” Read More »

Ojaswin Singh interview with Looney Tooney- "Betwwn the worlds'

“From 1 pm to midnight, I kept sending resumes everywhere I could, hoping to find a part-time job.”- Ojaswin Singh, Student, Canada

In our special interview series, “Between the Worlds,” we delve into the incredible journeys of immigrants who have crossed borders, cultures, and dreams. Meet Ojaswin Singh, a student in Canada, whose captivating story unfolds with courage and determination. From leaving the comfort of his home in India to embracing the challenges and joys of studying abroad, Ojaswin’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of stepping outside one’s comfort zone. Join us as we explore the highs and lows, the struggles and triumphs, and the meaningful friendships that have shaped Ojaswin’s path in this distant land. Discover the invaluable insights he shares for those about to embark on their own immigration journey, and gain a glimpse into his aspirations for the future in this beautiful country.

“From 1 pm to midnight, I kept sending resumes everywhere I could, hoping to find a part-time job.”- Ojaswin Singh, Student, Canada Read More »

CUAET Scheme

Canada Building Bridges With Ukraine to Unite Families through CUAET Scheme

Canada has consistently emphasized the importance of family reunification and has developed various immigration pathways to facilitate this process. The government of Canada has introduced special programs such as CUAET (The Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel) Scheme to unite citizens from different countries with their families in Canada, provided that at least one family member

Canada Building Bridges With Ukraine to Unite Families through CUAET Scheme Read More »

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