PEI PNP Skilled Worker in Canada Stream

PEI PNP Skilled Worker in Canada Stream

The Skilled Worker in Canada Stream is an immigration pathway for foreign workers who have valuable skills and experience through employment in Canada. This stream recognizes the immense value that skilled temporary workers bring to the Canadian labour market and aims to facilitate their transition to permanent residency. Under the Skilled Worker in Canada Stream, individuals who have been actively employed in Canada for a significant period can apply for permanent residence status

The individuals who are currently employed by a PEI employer and meet the eligibility criteria are Skilled Workers in Canada. In this article, we will discuss the details of this stream.

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Skilled Worker in Canada Stream Eligibility Requirements

To qualify for the Skilled Worker in Canada Stream, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Have a full-time, permanent (or minimum two-year) job offer from a Prince Edward Island employer in a high-skilled occupation classified as TEER category 0, 1, 2, or 3 under the Training, Education, Experience, and Responsibility system.
  • Have at least two years of full-time work experience within the past five years, related to the job offer.
  • Must complete a post-secondary degree or diploma program of at least two years duration.
  • Age should not be less than 18 or more than 59 years.
  • Demonstrate sufficient English and/or French language proficiency to perform the job offered, through either:
    • A valid language test result from an approved institution with a minimum CLB/NCLC 4 score (valid for 2 years), or 
    • An employer declaration on form PEIW-02 confirming your language ability meets the job requirements.
  • Have enough financial resources to cover immigration and travel costs to establish yourself and your family in PEI.
  • Prove a genuine intention to settle in Prince Edward Island permanently.
  • You should hold a valid work permit if you are currently working in Canada to be eligible for Skilled Workers in the PEI category.

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Skilled Worker in Canada Stream Labour Points Grid

In the Prince Edward Island immigration system, the Skilled Worker Stream Labour Points Grid assesses and prioritizes applicants based on various factors. This points grid assigns points to candidates based on criteria such as age, education, work experience, language proficiency, and adaptability factors. The total score is 100. Here are the details of the points grid.

Work Experience20
Maximum Points100


The points allocated to applicants is based on their age at the time of application submission. In this manner, the scale awards points from 0 to 15.

Over 490
Maximum Points15

Language Ability 

Proficiency in language determines the points applicants receive based on their ability in English or French. The test results determine the awarding of points, with benchmarks such as Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) for English and Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens (NCLC) for French.

Language Ability (CLB/NCLC)Points
9 or 1020
Employer signed PEIW-02: Workforce Job Offer Form20
Maximum Points20


Points are awarded based on the highest level of education completed, ranging from completion of secondary school to obtaining a Master’s or PhD degree. 

Master’s or PhD15
Bachelor’s degree of minimum three years 12
Post‐secondary diploma of minimum one year 10
Secondary school graduate
Maximum Points15

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Work Experience

This factor assigns varying points based on the number of years of work experience, with higher points awarded for more years of relevant work experience, emphasizing the significance of practical experience in the assessment process.

Work ExperiencePoints
More than 6 years20
4-6 years15
2-4 years10
Up to 2 years0
Maximum Points20


This factor recognizes the significance of employment in PEI by assigning points for job offers related to education, work experience in the province, and other adaptability factors, highlighting the importance of securing employment in the region for successful immigration under this stream.

Have a permanent position in the province with a valid work permit5
Job offer in PEI related to education10
Foreign qualification verified with PEI regulated body apart from ECA5
Minimum of 1 year of continuous full‐time work experience in the province5
Maximum Points15


Adaptability factor reflects an applicant’s and their spouse or common-law partner’s ability to settle successfully in PEI as a permanent resident.

Have one or more immediate family members residing in PEI continuously for a minimum of 12 months.They must hold either permanent residency or Canadian citizenship5
Spouse/common‐law partner and/or dependent child have a language ability of CLB/NCLC 6 or higher in English or French5
Has a residential property in PEI for a minimum of 12 consecutive months5
Graduated from a recognized PEI post‐secondary institution5
Spouse/common‐law partner has a minimum of 3 years of work experience in the previous 5 years5
Have one or more dependent children enrolled in a PEI educational institution for a minimum of 6 continuous months5
Maximum Points15

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The Skilled Worker in Canada Stream of the PEI PNP facilitates skilled workers’ permanent residency in Canada. Applicants need a job offer in a high-skilled occupation, work experience, language proficiency, and intent to settle in PEI. The stream operates on an Expression of Interest system, ranking candidates based on the PEI Labour Impact Category Ranking System. Successful candidates receive a provincial nomination and can apply for Canadian permanent residence and wait for the PEI PNP Draws.

Candidates who have a job offer from a PEI employer but do not live in the province, can go for PEI Skilled Worker Outside Canada Stream.

PEI PNP Skilled Worker in Canada Stream FAQs

1. What is the PEI PNP Skilled Worker in Canada Stream?
A. The PEI PNP Skilled Worker in Canada Stream is a pathway for skilled workers to obtain permanent residency in Canada. It targets individuals with job offers in high-skilled occupations in PEI, addressing the province’s labour market needs by allowing employers to hire foreign workers.

2. What are the eligibility requirements for the Skilled Worker in Canada Stream?
A. To qualify for the stream, applicants must have a full-time, permanent job offer from a PEI employer. It must be in a high-skilled occupation. They should have at least two years of relevant work experience. They must also demonstrate language proficiency, and showing a genuine intention to settle in PEI permanently. 

3. How are applicants assessed under the Skilled Worker in Canada Stream Labour Points Grid?
A. The grid is used to assess applicants on factors like age, education, work experience, language proficiency, employment, and adaptability. Points are assigned to candidates based on specific criteria with a maximum total score of 100.

4. What is the Expression of Interest system in the Skilled Worker in Canada Stream?
A. The stream operates on an Expression of Interest system, where candidates submit an online profile. They are then ranked based on a points grid which considers factors like education, work experience, and more. 

5. Do I need to have employment to qualify under the PEI PNP Skilled Worker in Canada Stream?
A. Yes, you need to have a full-time, permanent job offer from a PEI employer in an occupation classified as TEER category 0, 1, 2, or 3.

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