OINP International Student Stream: Eligibility & More

OINP International Student Stream

The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) International Student Stream offers a unique opportunity for international students who have graduated from an eligible post-secondary institution in Ontario to build their careers and live in the province permanently. This stream is designed to attract and retain highly skilled international students who can contribute to the province’s economic growth and development. By applying for the OINP International Student Stream, you can take advantage of the benefits that Ontario has to offer, including a diverse and vibrant culture, world-class education and research institutions, and a thriving economy.

The OINP International Student stream offers international students with a job offer in a skilled occupation the chance to seek permanent residence and work opportunities in Ontario. Your job offer must fall under a skilled occupation categorized as TEER (Training, Education, Experience, and Responsibilities) level 0, 1, 2, or 3 of the National Occupational Classification (NOC). In this article, we will talk about the details of this stream.

Table of Contents

Required Documents for OINP International Student Stream

Before applying online for nomination by the Ontario government for permanent residence, you need to register in the OINP’s Expression of Interest System and wait to receive an invitation to apply.

You must have all the necessary documents when applying under the International Student Stream. Here we will outline the essential documents you need to submit along with your application to the OINP International Student Stream.

  • Applicant Consent Form
  • Identity Documents
  • Status Documents in Canada
  • Employer Documents
  • Job Offer Documents
  • Education Documents
  • Résumé
  • Expression of Interest Selection Factors
  • Other Optional Documents (if applicable)

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Requirements for OINP International Student Stream

The applicant must fulfill the following OINP international student stream requirements to be qualified:

Job Offer Criteria 

As a part of the OINP international student stream requirement, your job offer in Ontario must meet the following criteria:

1. Full-time and Permanent

Your job offer must guarantee full-time employment along with: 

  • A minimum of 1,560 working hours annually, equivalent to at least 30 paid hours per week. 
  • A permanent position, with no end date. 
  • Job offers classified as seasonal or contract-based are not eligible. 

2. Eligible Occupation

The offered position must fall under a skilled occupation categorized within TEER Categories 0, 1, 2, or 3 of the National Occupation Classification (NOC).

3. Low Wage Level

  • The salary for the offered position must meet or exceed the low wage level for the specific occupation in the specified region of Ontario.
  • Use the Job Bank website to determine the low wage level by adding the job title and NOC code and applying the relevant location filter.
  • If already employed in the same position, the offered wage must equal or exceed your current salary, in addition to meeting or exceeding the low wage level.
  • If wage information for the employment region is unavailable, refer to the Ontario wage.
  • Wage requirements are not applicable if your workplace is governed by a collective agreement.
  • For individuals with an annual salary, calculate the hourly wage by deducting bonuses or discretionary benefits, dividing the remaining amount by the number of weeks worked annually, then dividing by weekly working hours.
  • Remuneration via piecework, bonuses, commissions, vacation pay, or non-financial perks does not contribute to your hourly base wage under this program.

4. Urgent Necessity to Employer’s Business

The position offered must be necessary for your employer’s business operations. This implies that the job role must align with your employer’s current business activities. It must be crucial for operating or expanding their ongoing business operations.

5. Work Based in Ontario

The primary location of your work under the offered position must be situated in Ontario.

Applicant Requirements for OINP International Student Stream

You must ensure that you meet all the criteria outlined in the following categories for your application to be considered:

1. Expression of Interest and Invitation to Apply

  • You must have received an invitation to apply and submitted your application within the specified deadline.
  • You are required to have documents that you possess the qualifications as stated in your expression of interest submitted to the OINP.

2. Education

  • Provide evidence of one of the following eligible credentials:
  • Make sure that more than half of the requirements necessary for obtaining your credential were fulfilled while residing and studying in Canada.

3. Valid License or Authorization (if applicable)

If your job needs a license or permission to work in Ontario, you must have the right license or permission from the right place in Ontario.

4. Intention to Live in Ontario

Show your intent to reside in Ontario after obtaining permanent residence by showing ties to the province, such as work experience, job applications or interviews, education, volunteering, property ownership or lease, visits, professional networks, family ties, and personal relationships.

5. Legal Status in Canada

If applying from within Canada, ensure you have legal status (e.g., visitor record, study permit, or work permit) at the time of application submission and maintain it until the time of nomination.

You may apply under ‘implied status’ if you have applied to renew or extend your temporary status document before its expiry date.

6. Application Period

  • Submit your application within two years of completing the requirements for obtaining your educational credential.
  • The date specified on your educational credential must be within two years of the submission date of your OINP application, rather than the date of the invitation to apply. If you haven’t obtained your education credential yet, use the date specified in the official letter from your college or university stating when the credential will be granted.

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Employer Requirements

The employer needs to meet these requirements to be eligible for OINP International Student Stream:

1. General Requirements

To be eligible under the stream, your employer must:

  • Be actively conducting business for a minimum of three years before submitting your application.
  • Operate business premises in Ontario where you will be employed.
  • Have no outstanding orders issued against them under the Ontario Employment Standards Act, 2000, or the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

2. Revenue Requirements

Your employer’s business must meet one of the following revenue thresholds for the most recently completed fiscal year:

  • Minimum CAD 1,000,000 in total gross annual revenue if you work within the Greater Toronto Area (City of Toronto, Durham, Halton, York, and Peel regions).
  • Minimum CAD 500,000 in total gross annual revenue if you work outside the Greater Toronto Area.  
  • If you will work at multiple locations, “reporting to work” refers to:
    • The location of your immediate supervisor or manager.
    • The administrative office where you receive work assignments.

3. Full-time Employee Requirements

At the time of application submission, your employer’s business must have:

  • If you’re working in the Greater Toronto Area, then at least five full-time workers who are either Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
  • If you’re working outside the Greater Toronto Area, then at least three full-time employees who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
  • A full-time employee is defined as someone who works a minimum of 30 hours per week.

4. Employer Form

Your employer must complete and sign an Employer Form to seek approval for the employment position. They are also required to provide you with the completed form for scanning and uploading it with your application.

Scoring Factors for OINP International Student Stream

Upon registering an expression of interest under this stream, you will receive points based on the following factors.

Upon receiving an invitation to apply, you need to provide particular documents corresponding to each factor where you earned points. It’s important to note that scoring factors differ from stream criteria. You must satisfy all criteria for this stream and include the mandatory documents with your application.

Job offer: NOC TEER Category

You get points according to the NOC TEER Category of your job in the following way.

0 or 110
2 or 38

Job offer: NOC Broad Occupational Category

There are also additional points for the occupational category of your job offer which is given in the following way.

Occupational CategoryPoints
0, 2, 310
1, 95
4, 84
5, 63

Wage Per Hour

The wage per hour of your can get you points in the following way.

40 or higher10
35 to 39.998
30 to 34.997
25 to 29.996
20 to 24.995
20 or less0

Work Permit Status

  • With a valid work permit: 10 points
  • Without a valid work permit: 0 points

Job Tenure 

  • Working in a job offer position for 6 months or more: 3 points
  • Working in a job offer position or not currently working in a position for less than 6 months: 0 points

Earnings in Canada in a Year

This is taken from a Notice of Assessment provided by the Canada Revenue Agency within the past five years.

  • More than or equal to CAD 40,000: 3 points
  • Less than CAD 40,000: 0 points


Your language proficiency in an official language will fetch you points in the following way.

9 or higher in official language10
8 in official language6
7 in official language4
6 or lower in official language0
Number of Official Languages KnownPoints

Location of Job Offer

  • Northern Ontario: 10 points
  • Other areas outside Greater Toronto Area (excluding Northern Ontario): 8 points
  • Inside GTA (except Toronto): 3 points
  • Toronto: 0 points

Location of Study

  • Northern Ontario: 10 points
  • Other areas outside Greater Toronto Area (excluding Northern Ontario): 8 points
  • Inside GTA (except Toronto): 3 points
  • Toronto: 0 points
  • Credential was completed without physically attending (in-person) classes: 0 points

Highest Level of Education

Canadian credential or Educational Credential Assessment required.

  • PhD: 10 points
  • Masters: 8 points
  • Bachelors or equivalent: 6 points
  • Graduate diploma or certificate: 6 points
  • Undergraduate diploma or certificate: 5 points
  • Apprenticeship or Diploma or Trades Certificate: 5 points
  • College diploma or trade certificate: 5 points
  • Only high school (less than college or trade certificate): 0 points

Field of Study

The field of study must be from the following

  • STEM/Health and Trades (agriculture and natural resources operations and management, mechanics and repair, architecture, construction and precision production): 12 points
  • Social work and related programs, education, personal, business and administration, behavioural science, security and transport services, legal: 6 points
  • Arts and humanities, business, humanities, arts, social science and education, programs and programs that are not elsewhere classified: 0 points

Canadian Education Experience

The credential you submit must be from a Canadian college or university and should require at least one year of full-time study to complete.

  • More than one Canadian credential: 10 points
  • One Canadian credential: 5 points

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In conclusion, the OINP International Student Stream is an excellent opportunity for international students who have graduated from an eligible post-secondary institution in Ontario to establish their careers and lives in the province. This program recognizes the valuable contributions that international students make to the province’s economy and society and offers a pathway to permanent residency for those who demonstrate the skills and qualifications that are in demand in Ontario. If you are an international student who is interested in building a future in Ontario, the OINP International Student Stream is a valuable and rewarding pathway to explore.

FAQs for OINP International Student Stream

1. What is the OINP International Student Stream, and who is it for?
A. The OINP International Student Stream offers international students with a job offer in a skilled occupation the chance to seek permanent residence and work opportunities in Ontario. 

2. What documents are required when applying for the OINP International Student Stream?
A. Essential documents include the applicant consent form, identity documents, status documents in Canada, employer documents, job offer documents, education documents, résumé, expression of interest selection factors, and any other optional documents deemed relevant.

3. What are the requirements for eligibility under the OINP International Student Stream?
A. Applicants must fulfill various criteria, including having a job offer under TEER level 0, 1, 2, or 3 of the National Occupational Classification (NOC), meeting education requirements, holding legal status in Canada (if applicable), and demonstrating an intention to live in Ontario.

4. What scoring factors are considered under the OINP International Student Stream?
A. Scoring factors include job offer criteria, wage per hour, work permit status, job tenure, earnings in Canada in a year, language proficiency, location of the job offer and study, highest level of education, field of study, and Canadian education experience.

5. How can I maximize my chances of success under the OINP International Student Stream?
To maximize your chances, ensure you meet all eligibility criteria and provide accurate and complete documentation. Additionally, aim to score high on the scoring factors as well.

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